Today we celebrate World Cities Day 2021: Better City Better Life. Cities are places of business, social life and culture, and they are the epicentres of human life today—however, hundreds of cities worldwide lack adequate addressing infrastructure and Africa is particularly grappling with challenges of poor addressing including lack of inclusive access to goods and services. 

Addressya aims to provide equal opportunities for everyone by providing access to addresses to people who lack adequate addresses in major cities on the continent.  We should all work towards better cities, where day to day life is not complicated by not being able to locate and access services and emissions are lower as people can cut the travel by quickly finding locations.

October 31 is UN World Cities Day which falls under sustainable development goal number 11: Sustainable cities and communities. The theme of World Cities day each year is Better City, Better Life and this year’s sub-theme is Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience. Learn more about World Cities day here



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